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Island coronavirus update

Writer: Shanna KellyShanna Kelly

News brief

Shanna Kelly | Seven Mile Satellite

Last update: 12 July 2020


In Avalon, the beaches are closed from 9 p.m.-4 a.m. and the boardwalk is closed from 11 p.m.-4 a.m. to prevent groups of minors gathering in these locations during the pandemic.

Graduation ceremonies, youth day camps, in-person summer education and expanded NJ Transit rail and light rail opened on July 6.

On July 2, libraries, museums, casinos, aquariums, bowling alleys, indoor batting cages, outdoor water and amusement parks, boardwalk arcades, indoor shooting ranges and playgrounds opened in NJ.

Indoor dining was also supposed to reopen on July 2, but due to a rise in cases around the country with the reopening of indoor dining, Gov. Phil Murphy has postponed this step indefinitely.

As of June 25, anyone traveling from a state with a high number of cases to NJ must quarantine for 14 days.

On June 23, the governor of NJ announced that as of July 2, outdoor playgrounds, water parks and amusement parks may reopen. Water and amusement parks may only reopen to 50% capacity. See our news brief to find out more about locations near or on the island that this includes.

Hair and nail salons, barber shops, massage services and electrology establishments are open as of June 22. See our news brief on salons to see which locations are open on the island.

Outdoor pools and recreational areas are also open. This excludes amusement parks, arcades, playgrounds and water parks.

The limits on gatherings have been lifted. However, outdoor gatherings can not exceed 100 people, and social distancing must be in place.

As of June 15, restaurants are open for outdoor dining as long as their application to do so was approved by the borough. Indoor retail also began with a cap on 50% capacity. This is all part of New Jersey's steps toward Phase 2 of the reopening of the state.

Outdoor dining in Stone Harbor. Photo | Shanna Kelly

According to the Department of Health restaurants are supposed to follow their protocols. This includes a maximum of eight people per table, a minimum of six feet between tables of varying parties, disinfect the tables, chairs, menus, etc. after each use, require employees to wear masks and gloves. Establishments are also must deny indoor entry to anyone not wearing a face covering. This excludes those with a health condition inhibiting them from doing so and children under the age of two.

As of now, gyms, arcades and playgrounds will remain closed in the state.

Arcade closed. Photo | Shanna Kelly

There are no restrictions on New Jersey road ways, meaning visitors are welcome to come to the island. Rentals and hotel stays are also permissible at this time.

After asking people to refrain from coming to the island, on May 11, Avalon Mayor Martin Pagliughi welcomed people to come to their homes on the island.

Social distancing guidelines are still in place. This includes remaining six feet apart of a "dolphin" apart as the signs at the top of the beach paths indicate. Avalon police will be patrolling the beaches like every year but will also be in charge of "encouraging" these guidelines.

Face masks aren't required on beaches, but they are encouraged.

"Dolphin" apart. Photo | Shanna Kelly

According to the Avalon borough website, nearly 30 events will be cancelled for the months of June and July. Th

is includes the Avalon Christmas in July celebration, the Tim Kerr Charities events, the Apac Art Show and more. Some events are only cancelled until otherwise notified such as Beach Movies and Kids Friday Fundays.


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